Word4Today Daily Bible Devotional

by Bob and Debby Gass

Triple A and you’re on your way!

Triple A and you’re on your way!
‘…like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the Word, so that…you may grow…’ 1 Peter 2:2 NAS

Authors Howard & William Hendricks point out three ‘A’s’ we need get sorted when it comes to reading our Bibles:
(1) Attitude: a baby grabs a bottle with a smile and we should grab our Bibles with a smile too. Just like babies need milk to live physically, we need God’s Word to live spiritually.
(2) Appetite: you know when you’re really hungry, you just can’t wait for dinner, and you’d do anything to eat right now? That’s what we should be like with the Bible! Psalm 19:10 says that it’s ‘sweeter than honey’ but looking at our enthusiasm (or lack of it) for Bible study, half the time you’d think it was more like grim medicine-it tastes like sour milk but good for you in some weird way. We should think of reading God’s Word like tucking into our favourite food; can’t wait to eat it and can’t get enough of it! Get hungry for God’s word!
(3) Aim: the aim of Bible study is to grow, to help us be more like Jesus, to live transformed lives. It wasn’t written just to satisfy curiosity, make you smarter or so you could learn geeky facts!
So don’t just read it-study it, and see how much you change in the process.

SoulFood: Rev 19-22, Mark 14:27-42, Ps 129, Pr 12: 27-28

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