Word4Today Daily Bible Devotional

by Bob and Debby Gass


‘Where there is no vision, the people perish…’ Proverbs 29:18 KJV

‘Two men looked through prison bars; one saw mud, the other stars.’ So which are you? A star-gazer or a mud-minder? Do you see life as a glass half empty or half full? Well, whatever you see, make sure you’ve got your God-goggles on. No, you won’t find them at Specsavers; God-goggles are given through prayer-life, reading the Word and being in partnership with God’s people. God-goggles give you a vision for your life, through them you begin to see things as God sees them. Moses had a pair when he ‘saw’ the Promised Land while trudging through the desert. The Israelites had ‘me-goggles’ on and so only saw a hot, deserted hell. Moses saw that every journey begins with a single step, and that every other step is a significant step to the Promised Land. The Israelites saw an impossible journey, a task too big for their tired and blistered feet. Moses and the Israelites were on the same journey; the difference was perspective; the difference was vision. One saw stars, the others mud.
What about you? Have you been given a promise by God but you can’t work out what to do with it? Does the task seem too big for you? What a great opportunity to put on your God-goggles. Take your eyes up from the floor and set them to the stars. Remember every journey begins with that first step.

SoulFood: Ruth 1:3-18, John 6:41-69

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